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"And His name shall be called 'Immanuel', God with us."

Greetings Friends & Alumni of Calvary Chapel,


We are approaching the time of year when we await the coming of the Christ: the Son of God made flesh to save His people from their sins.  As we look to the birth of Jesus Christ with anticipation, we also look back.  We look back on the past recognizing that God has indeed been with us!  Through Word & Sacrament, the Holy Spirit is always at work creating and sustaining faith in Jesus.  When we hear God’s Word read and preached, Jesus is with us.  When we baptize or remember our baptism, we are reminded that Jesus is there with us in the waters, cleansing us from sin and making us children of God.  When we receive the Lord’s Supper, we know that Jesus is present in this meal for the forgiveness of sins and the promise of the life of the world to come!


Calvary continues to provide Word & Sacrament ministry to the UW Madison Campus Community.  We have the privilege, opportunity, and calling to remind people of “Immanuel” — God with us!  Calvary is not only looking back on the past year and praising Jesus for His work in our congregation and community being done here, but the reality that Calvary has been blessed to share the love of Jesus in the UW Campus community for the last 100 years!  While we were not able to host the huge celebration that this 100 year anniversary deserved, we still have grateful hearts for all Jesus has done as well as great expectations as to what Jesus will do as we begin the next 100 years of ministry.


Calvary sincerely appreciates all the support we receive from our South Wisconsin District, parents of students, and our alumni and friends! We are truly thankful for your prayers and gifts as you are helping us to continue to engage the UW Campus community with the Good News of Jesus! Would you prayerfully consider a financial gift to Calvary at this holiday season as we prepare for the beginning of what will hopefully be another 100 years of ministry to the UW Campus Community here in Madison? Your gifts go to help with staffing (Administrative Assistant, Music Director, Community Engagement Coordinator) programming (Bible Studies, Retreats, Community Outreach, Mission Trips, Service Events) and fellowship (meals, student center refreshments, picnics).  To give Calvary a financial gift, you can give online or send a check to Calvary Lutheran Chapel, 701 State St., Madison, WI, 53703.


As the Christmas season begins, we pray for you and your family as you celebrate the birth of Jesus: Immanuel, God with us! May you know the true joy that only comes from knowing our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


In His Grace & Service,


Pastor Daniel A. Anderson

©2020 by Calvary Lutheran Chapel.
An outreach of the South Wisconsin District
of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod

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